Thursday, July 28, 2011

Making a USB drive bootable.

There are many ways to make your USB Bootable & I have presented some of them to you,

Method 1 : From use of softwares like 
Method 2: Or you can manually make your USB disk bootable by:
( This method is especially used for Windows 7 only)

1. Insert your USB (4GB+ preferable) stick to the system and backup all the data from the USB as we are going to format the USB to make it as bootable.

2. Open Command Prompt. To do this Press Start +R, Type cmd and enter then the CMD window pops out.

3. When the Command Prompt opens, enter the following command:
DISKPART and hit enter.
LIST DISK and hit enter.
Once you enter the LIST DISK command, it will show the disk number of your USB drive. let us assume my removable disk is 
Disk 1. 

4. In this step you need to enter all the below commands one by one and hit enter. As these commands are self explanatory, you can easily guess what these commands do.
SELECT DISK 1 (Replace DISK 1 with your disk number)
(Format process may take few seconds)
Don’t close the command prompt as we need to execute one more command at the next step. Just minimize it. 

5. Insert your Windows DVD in the optical drive and note down the drive letter of the optical drive and USB media. Here I use “G” as my optical (DVD) drive letter and “H” as my USB drive letter. 

6. Go back to command prompt and execute the following commands:

6.1. Change directory to the DVD’s boot directory where bootsect lives:
         cd d:\boot

6.2. Use bootsect to set the USB as a bootable NTFS drive prepared for a Vista/7 image. I’m assuming that your USB flash drive has been labeled disk H:\ by the computer:
         bootsect /nt60 h:

(Where “H” is your USB drive letter)

7. Copy Windows DVD contents to USB.
You are done with your bootable USB. You can now use this bootable USB as bootable DVD on any computer that comes with USB boot feature (most of the current motherboards support this feature).


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